Monday, June 13, 2011

Trinity Sunday

Mystery to be mystified by.
Introduction: We as Catholics have a rich tradition of using
symbols in our Church. You may have seen a fish on the back of a car or
on a plaque in a house. Do you know why this is a symbol for
Christians? The Greek word for Fish is IXTHOUS: Iesus, Christos, Theou, Huios, Soter. Jesus Christ Son of God Savior. For the Trinity we also employ symbols: Three intertwining circles, triangle, shamrock (trebol).
God as Father: Creation. Here in the valley we get something of
the generosity and abundance with which God gifts us. Nature is
speaking to us of God: We are reminded that God is as certain as the dawn. We go to South Padre Island and watch the sun rise and the sun set. But wherever we are the sun is rising and setting. The abundance of crops in the sorghum and cotton
and corn fields. The flowers around the church: the hibiscus just
keeps blooming. Two Sundays ago after a rain shower one was so gently
blushed by a rain drop in the form of a tear. I wished I had my camera.
Even the human act of procreation speaks of the prodigality of our God.
In one ejaculation of sperm there are literally thousands of seeds.
Only one must unite with the egg to begin a life.
We know that God is neither Father or Mother. In Genesis we are
told that we are created in the image and likeness of God: male and
God as Jesus. I used to belong to the Priests of the Sacred Heart. This
month of June is the month of the Sacred Heart. We honor Jesus under
his title as the Sacred Heart. Heart speaks of love. For me Jesus is
a passionate lover who calls me to receive his love and then in turn
pass it on to others. Marcus Borg in his popular book, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time,
sums up Jesus this way: " I have since come to understand as the key truth about Jesus: that in addition to being deeply involved in the social world of the everyday, he was also grounded in the world of the Spirit.", p.15 He sums up that Jesus was a Spirit person of compassion. p. 58 "For Jesus, compassion had a radical sociopolitical meaning. In his teaching and table fellowship, and in the shape of his movement, the purity system was subverted and an alternative social vision affirmed. The politics of purity was replaced by a politics of compassion." Borg also describes Jesus as a "Teacher of Alternative Wisdom."
God as Spirit. The feast of the Holy Spirit is Pentecost. Two
emphases of that feast were: fear and gifts. What fears do you have?
What fears do people have? The promise of Jesus is that we can overcome
our fears as did Peter, from locked in for fear, to preaching on the
rooftop and converting 3000 that day. Peter was led to action by the Spirit. What action is the Spirit trying to get me to do?
What gifts to people have? The gift of friendship was told me by a young boy of about l0 years old.
Practise: one minute going over the high point of my day, share and
thank the Father. One minute with the low point, share and thank Jesus
and ask for help, forgiveness, etc. One minute with tomorrow and ask
Holy spirit for guidance.
We were baptized and are blessed in the Name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.

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