Monday, June 27, 2011

+Corpus Christi

A priest who worked in Siri Lanka for years wrote a book, Eucharist and Human Liberation. Hear some of his challenging words: “What began as a covenant meal of people struggling and powerless has instead been used as a sacred legitimation of the powers that be... The repetition of Eucharistic celebrations has not, in fact, led to the formation of a committed people–committed that is, to anything beyond the ritual observance itself... Our Eucharistic spirituality is not interior in the better sense of the word: of being deep, personal, reflective and formative. Nor is it external in the good sense of being active, committed and transformative of persons and society... The church is behaviorally living one way and ritually celebrating another. We proclaim the sacrificial victim we raise up the suffering Servant and yet live a long-lasting love affair with power, wealth, dogmatism and triumphalism. ...liturgical rituals are mask that cover instead of reveal.”

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