Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Benedict XVI Exhortation on Synod of the Word

I’ve just finished my initial reading of:


My initial reactions:

Positive: The language of this exhortation is pretty understandable. (This in contrast to some Encyclicals and other pronouncements from Rome).

The Pope has some excellent quotes which show his familiarity with the Fathers of the Church.

There is an INDEX at the end of the Exhortation.

I took 8 pages of notes of passages which spoke to me.

The copy I was reading had the footnotes at the bottom of each page.

Negative: The exhortation is very lengthy, covering more than 192 pages.

Benedict ends up quoting himself a bit too often for me.

I’m afraid that the length and breadth of this exhortation will limit the number of people who will take the time to read it.


Some specifics:

p. 19 Human language operates analogically in speaking of the word of God.

...the expression "word of God" here refers to the person of Jesus

...creation itself "the liber naturae" (the book of nature) is an essential part of this symphony...

...God has spoken his word in salvation history...

...the word of God is that Word preached by the apostles...

...The word of God is..Sacred Scripture...

P. 33 ...the Synod pointed to the need to "help the faithful to distinguish the word of God from private revelations

P. 39 The Second Vatican Council also states that this Tradition of apostolic origin is a living and dynamic reality: it "makes progress in the Church with the help of the Holy Spirit"

p. 45 ...in the dynamic of Christian revelation, silence appears as an important expression of the word of God.

P. 75 ...the concept of the fulfillment of the Scriptures is a complex one, since it has three dimensions: a basic aspect of continuity with the Old Testament revelation; an aspect of discontinuity and an aspect of fulfilment and transcendence.

P. 77 In discussing the relationship between the Old and the New Testaments, the Synod also considered those passages in the Bible which due to the violence and immorality they occasionally contain, prove obscure and difficult. Here it must be remembered first and foremost that biblical revelation is deeply rooted in history. God’s plan is manifested progressively and it is accomplished slowly, in successive stages and despite human resistance.

There are some sage words for lectors and homilists. The pope gives seven suggestions and practical proposals for promoting fuller participation in the liturgy.

Some great words on the vocation of the laity and "feminine genius".

P. 165 The word of God and commitment to justice in society.

P. 167 The proclamation of God’s word, reconciliation and peace between peoples.

P. 172 The proclamation of the word of God and migrants.

P. 174 The proclamation of the word of God and the poor.

P. 176 The proclamation of the word of God and the protection of creation.



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