Sunday, October 3, 2010

27th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Two scripture scholars have an interesting insight into the final verse of today's Gospel.
Barbara Reid, "The final verse of today's Gospel asserts not that faithful servants are "unprofitable" (NAB), "WORTHLESS" (NRSV) or "useless (NJB), As some translations render the Greek archreioi. Rather, the words mean literally that they are "without need"." Proclaiming the empowering vision of God's reign and rendering faithful service to bring it about satisfies every want and need of disciples."

JOhn Kilgallen, S.J. "This cannot be the correct translation, for the servant in the parable works for his master all day; this servant cannot be called 'useless' or 'unprofitable'. Better is it to say that the servant should say that he has no claim on the master, that he has no right to expect anything but what a servant should receive."

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